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21 Articles

Tags :Epic

Get Epic Game Kill Knight for free[Windows]

Get Epic Game Kill Knight for free[Windows]

KILL KNIGHT is an ultra-responsive arcade-inspired isometric action shooter. Condemned to eternal sufferance, deep within the voids of an eldritch arena, you must wield an arsenal of devastating weaponry to obliterate swarms of otherworldly horrors - and MASTER THE DEMON WITHIN.

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Get Epic Game Ghostrunner 2 for free[Windows]

Get Epic Game Ghostrunner 2 for free[Windows]

Ghostrunner 2 is a heady first-person perspective hardcore hack and slash game set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Venture through this post-apocalyptic cyberpunk world. The Tower of Dharma is humanity's last refuge, but the brutal sovereign Key master who rules it has fallen. Jack will return in this game to fight off the AI cult that is massing outside Dharma Tower and reshape the future of humanity.

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Get Epic Game Control for free[Windows]

Get Epic Game Control for free[Windows]

After a secret agency in New York is invaded by otherworldly forces, you become the new director and struggle to regain control. Control is a This supernatural third-person action-adventure game from developer Remedy Entertainment will challenge you to master a combination of paranormal abilities, modifiable gunfire, and interactive environments to kill your way through an unpredictable and mysterious world.

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Get Epic Game Dark and Darker DLC Legendary Status for free[Windows]

Get Epic Game Dark and Darker DLC Legendary Status for free[Windows]

Dark and Darker is an unforgiving hardcore fantasy FPS dungeon PvPvE adventure. Legendary Status is one of the DLC from Dark and Darker. Upgrades a free ‘Squire’ account to ‘Legendary’ status. Legendary accounts get access to the High Roller Dungeons, extra trading privileges, +9 characters slots, unlocks 1 shared stash, and more! Please be careful not to make duplicate purchases.

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Get Epic Game TerraTech for free[Windows, macOS]

Get Epic Game TerraTech for free[Windows, macOS]

TerraTech is an open-world, sandbox adventure game, where you design and build your own creations through a mix of crafting, combat and discovery. Design vehicles from a huge library of blocks. Scavenge, craft and buy new parts to survive and become the ultimate planetary prospector.

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